Thursday 10 May 2018

Being a Product Sherpa

Last month the company I work for offered me to try something new, to become a Product Analyst!

So, after being the Fellow Tester for almost 7 years, now I start a new aventure as the Product Sherpa.

What a Product Sherpa does, I'll tell you when I get anything done, but I can write about where I start from.

Here are my principles, my beliefs, my commitment, whatever you call this:

- I will understand where we want to go, how many we are going, and how long it might take to get there.
- I will offer my advice about the route, equipment, food supply and weather conditions.
- I will walk this path along with my stakeholders.
- I will bring my load all along the way, and help with the basecamp tasks.
- I won't go alone very far from the basecamp, and if I have to, I'll explain why and where I'm going.
- I will speak your language, or I will learn your language to the point that we are able to communicate.
- I don't expect to arrive the first to the mountain top, nor to arrive last.
- If we make it to our target, we'll celebrate, if not, we'll learn.

 Pasang Lhamu Sherpa Akita (Photo: Jon Mancuso)
As we go, I have updated the title of this blog, added some books to my reading list, started following some interesting people in twitter and figuring out how we are going to get the first problem fixed.

If you would like to know more about Sherpa people, check this article where I got the picture out from.

See you out there! हामी बाटोमा भेट्नेछौं। 

Letting it go.

I dropped my Twitter account. And somehow, it did not make sense to write a tweet about it. Many years ago, when I was riding by bike as cou...